born 23. May 2003
by Caproni and Amrum I by Fasolt
Holstein, 1,70m height ~16.3 hands
Cool Cad -we gave him the name Cool Lad, Cool Cad is a misspelling during the FN registration- is the 4th foal of Amrum I. Max Meyer is the breeder because Amrum I was in care for breeding from May 1999 til October 2002 in Dellstedt. Max Meyer is also breeder of Amrum I. Cool Cad was staying in our stable until he was 2 years old. Then he was pre- paring for the pre-selection of main licensing in Holstein. He was jumping in an outstanding quality and he is still jumping in an outstanding quality. Unfortunately he was too youthful and now he is gelded. Meanwhile the owner is a rider of Franconia and he shows still his outstanding potential under the rider.
Ancestry: His sire Caproni by Cor de la Bryère - Cantus - Landgraf I, mareline 5302, is the last licensed son of the great French stallion. He passed his 30 day performance test with excellent scores. Unfortunately he has a bad accident during the 70 day performance test, so is now only in breeding. The last years he was stallion in Italy and Netherlands. Cool Cad is very similar to his sire.
More information of Caproni and the other stallions of the pedigree: ►►►►here
Detailed description of the pedigree and competition successes of the dam Amrum I by Fasolt:►►►►here
Own performance: He is an outstanding jumping horse with an excellent potential.
Successes: Winner in jumping competitions until 1,10m with scores over 8, placed in jumping competitions until 1,35m (M**), Vize- Champion of the Franconian Championship of Juniorriders with Katharina Winkler
Mareline: 8819
It is a line with a high power density. Starting at the beginning of the last century in Oldenburg there are a lot of sport-horses until the highest international level and licensed stallions both in Holstein and in Oldenburg.
Here you can read more about this mareline and the successes of the near ancestries in the sport. ►►here
Mareline of paardenfokken
Cool Cad has 3 successful maternal siblings in the sport, of these 1 until 1,30m.
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