born 26. May 2011
by Cor de la Bryère and Vanisha by Lord Z
Holstein, height approx. for the moment 1,70m ~16,73 hands
Thoroughbred passes never out of use! 43 years after birth the half- thoroughbred Cor de la Bryère is the sire of a very modern colt. Beauti- ful, with nobility and modern, this is the description of the 3rd offspring of our Vanisha. You can see the elasticity during the canter and bucking, the trot and walk are excellent. Really a stallion prospect. Sold to Bavaria in a jumping stable.
Ancestry: Cor de la Bryère is one of the great foundation sires of Hol- stein's breeding. Beginning of the 70th, during the zenith of using tho- roughbred he was bought from the Holsteiner Verband in France. First the breeders were sceptical towards this French sire, but he was correct from the exterieur, very good musceled and the technic of jumping was extraordinary. During the first season he covered 70 mares. In the same year he won the stallion performance test under the saddle of Herbert Blöcker. So he started his triumph.
Often his offspring were in his type, with a good movement over the knee and with rideability, potential, manner and being light of foot. He was the right sire for Holstein's mares because there is the jumping potential grounded in the marelines since generations. They needed only his technic and the quick reflexes.
There are sucessful offspring in all parts of competitions, like Corlandus-Margit Otto-Crepin/FRA in dressage, Cordeka-Herbert Blöcker in eventing and among others Corrado I-Franke Sloothaak. Also the succesful jumping horses at the international level like Cera-Otto Becker, Chica W-Heinrich Hermann Engemann, Cordalme Z-Gilbert Böckmann, Calando I-Karsten Huck, Costa and Caletto I-Dr.Michael Rüping, Cash- Hugo Simon, Corland-Wout Jan van der Schans/NL, BB-Corlanda-Willi Melliger/CH, Cassone-Dirk Ahlmann and for the moment Cadett-Ashlee Bond/USA. In breeding Corde has founded an own stallion line with a lot of licensed sires.
The sire Rantzau xx was one of the demanded stallions in France and also today he is present in a lot of pedigrees of first class sporthorses, like Baloubet du Rouet. Additional the blood of Furioso xx, who was and is one of the most sucessful stallions of jumping horses in Europe. At the end of the pedigree there still is a little bit the blood of trotters, which is well known for potential in jumping competitions.
In France the mareline of Cor de la Bryére is popular with sucessful horses, also the stallions Fuego de Prelet, Veneur du Prelet and Fair Play III.
More information about Cor de la Bryère and the other stallions of the pedigree: ►►►►here
Detailed description of the pedigree and competition successes of the granddam Amrum I by Fasolt: ►►►►here
and information about the dam Vanisha by Lord Z: ►►►►here
Mareline: 8819
It is a line with a high power density. Starting at the beginning of the last century in Oldenburg there are a lot of sport-horses until the highest international level and licensed stallions both in Holstein and in Oldenburg.
Here you can read more about this mareline and the successes of the near ancestries in the sport. ►►►►here
Mareline of Paardenfokken
Pedigree: The pedigree shows the following inbreedings:
2x to the Holsteiner Colonel
2x to the Anglo Norman Cor de la Bryère
53x to the thoroughbred St.Simon xx
12x to the thoroughbred Dark Ronald xx
10x to the thoroughbred Son-in-Law xx
each 4x to the thoroughbreds Cottage Son xx and Havresac II xx
each 2x to the Anglo-Arabian Ramzes x and the thoroughbreds Rantzau xx and Furioso xx
Percentage of thoroughbred 9 generations back: 55%
More Pictures:
8 weeks old