(FN: Frufru, ZfdP: Farina)
born 2.June 1986, †29.November 2011
by Fasolt and Prictoria by Marmor
Holstein, main stud book, height 1,65m ~16.1 hands
She came to us at the end of 1990 after the weaning her first filly. Since this time we have a preference for the bloodlines of Holstein. She was incredible with her desire to jump! We owned her 21 years and in Decem- ber 2011 we have to put down her regarding com- plaints of old age. During the years after her last foal Cric Crac she could enjoy her retirement. We will never forget her!
Ancestry: The sire is Fasolt, one of the best sons of Farnese. Farnese was one of the last stallions of Hol- stein with a pure bloodline of Holstein. Many times Fasolt inherited an outstanding potential for jumping, f.e. the international highly successful son Sanyo Technology-Harvey Smith/GBR. The dam of Fasolt is a daughter of Silva, who is also grandmother of Moltke I. For a long time he was leased to USA, where he was a popular stallion. Later he returned back to Holstein. Unfortunately meanwhile the F stallionline is very unusually in Holstein, although this line has the origin in the great stallion Tobias by Achill. Therefore this blood is very precious in the pedigrees of the mother-side. In former times this line was widely used, but now it exists only the sector of Tobias-Favorit-Fanal, which created a lot of international jumping horses at the beginning of the 20th century like Egly, Friderikus, Fürstin, Winzige, Bianca, Nemo, Baden, Original Holsatia etc.
The dam of Amrum I, Prictoria, has had 18th foals, who are successful in jumping competitions to the highest level and in dressage to the medium level. The sire of Prictoria, Marmor, was very successful in dressage to the highest level (Grand Prix) with Peter Mohr, additional he was able to jump in an outstanding matter. At first he was availed to little because he was one of the first stallions who was used in the artificial insemination. But in 1984 he got again a great chance in Siethwende. However he died during a horse transporter crash. His sire Marengo, winning jumping competitions until 1,55m, was an outstanding jumper and his offspring also. Unfortunately he was sold to Rhineland too early.
Great-grandpa Rhadames is a son of Raimond, the sire of the great Ramiro, there is the demanded blood of Ramzes x in the pedigree again.

Own performance: Amrum I had have a great achievement in show jumping courses, like a jumping machine. She jumped over the next fence, if the rider wasn't fast enough to show her the right way, really very careful and with an outstanding quality to jump. It was her life to jump and with 8 years Amrum jumped suddenly out of her external horsebox and has a bad damage in the hock. Therefore her showjumping career was finished in 1994, after she was jumping successful her first competition of 1,45m. My nephew Alexander started with her his first beginner competitions until 1m, before she went into breeding.
Successes: At the age of 6 years successful until 1,30m (M*) and with 7 years until 1,40m (M**).
Heredity: All offspring of Amrum I convinces with care, jumping ability and manner additional with self- confidence and engagement. Starting riding don't cause problems and you can be sure that they are able to jump. Additional they looks very pretty and are easy to handle. The movement is very good with an out- standing canter. 2 offspring are successfull until 1,30m and 1,35m and 2 offspring successful until 1,15m and 1,25m.
Mareline: 8819
It is a line with a high power density. Starting at the beginning of the last century in Oldenburg there are a lot of sport-horses to the highest international level and licensed stallions both in Holstein and in Oldenburg.
Here you can read more about this mareline and the successes of the near ancestries in the sport. ►►►►here
Mareline of paardenfokken
5 maternal siblings of Frufru are successful in the sport, one until 1,35m and one until 1,50m.
Pedigree: Foundation stallions like Ethelbert, Achill, Tobias, Adjudant and Cicero are in the front of the pedigree.
In the pedigree there are the following inbreedings:
15x to the Holsteiner Favorit
4x to the Holsteiner First
each 2x to the Holsteiners Fanatiker, Fafnir and Fanal
3x to the thoroughbred Dark Ronald xx
each 2x to the Anglo-Arabian Ramzes x and the thoroughbreds Herold xx, Ferro xx and Son-in-Law xx
Additional the pedigree is free of the foundation stallions of the last years Ladykiller xx and Cor de la Bryère
Fasolt line 5951
line 1866
| Fähnrich line 2004 | Fachmann
| Fanatiker Klientin
Fera | Heidelberg Neurose |
Annelies | Loretto | Lorbeer Zerline |
Ilsabe | First Theke |
Konradine | Heidefreund I line 206 | Heidekrug | Heintze Lady by Theoderich xx |
Schlacke | Fafnir Masse |
Callepute | Memnon | Meisterschuss Allee |
Kadenz | Makler I Gig |
Prictoria Main Stud Book
| Marmor
line 18a | Marengo line 456 | Marlon xx | Tamerlane xx Maralinni xx |
Lady | Ramzes x Dekanische |
Fakota | Colonel | Cottage Son xx Piave |
Flade | Gauner Nemi |
Irmelind main stud book | Rhadames line 4978 | Raimond | Ramzes x Infra |
Edle Dame | Fafnir Rita |
Brictoria | Akkord | Anblick xx Intscha |
Stud Book Mare | Ernoe (Ostfr) Victoria II by Gilbert |
Her offspring:
1990: | Mare | by Calypso I USA |
2000: | Lancaster Pipp | by Lascadell owner is a young rider in Rhineland winner in: jumping competitions until 1,20m placed in: eventing and dressage class A (1,10m) |
2002: | Cooper | by Casco at the age of 4 years placed in jumping competitions for young horses until 1,10m |
2003: | Cool Cad | by Caproni owner is a competition rider of Franconia winner in: jumping competitions until 1,20m placed in: jumping competitions until 1,35m, also international |
2004: | Cil | by Cash and Carry He shows a great talent under the rider for the highest level in jumping. He is in training for the greater sport.
winner in: jumping competitons for young horses until 1,20m withs scores over 8
placed in: jumping competitons until 1,30m |
2005: | Vanisha | by Lord Z the first mare after 4 colts, our hope to continue the damline. After 2 foals she shall show her quality in jumping competitions because she has an outstanding potential. 2009: Carreidas by Clinton I 2010: filly by Carolus II (died) 2011: Chisari by Cor de la Byère 2012: Evaine la Pierre by Dollar de la Pierre 2013: Cashton by Cash and Carry |
2007: | Zoe-Chantal | by Mighty Magic still another daughter of Amrum I! Correct, noble, characterised by thorougbred, 3 excellent basic gaits and also jumping potential with a great rideability. Sold to Hesse
2011: Casparo by Clarimo
currently in the sport |
2008: | Amrita Rao | by Mighty Magic a brown, noble and long-legged mare with a lot of charme. Amrita is well muscled with very good movements, especially the walk and canter. Sold to a competition rider from Baden-Wuerttemberg |
2009: | Cric Crac | by Corrado I lively and cheeky but very confiding. A very athletic, elastic and highly correct gelding with a fantastic canter and the trot and walk are very good. An out-and-out sportsman. Sold to North Rhine-Westphalia
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