born 9. July 2010
by Ramiro's Son II and La Gomera by Tin Rocco
Holstein, height approx. 1,67m ~16.2 hands
Short after midnight the second foal of La Gomera was born. We are very glad about this young lady after loosing her sister in 2009. Chiara is coloured with 4 white legs and a blaze, additional really pretty, long- legged and characterised by thoroughbred. The canter is excellent and also the walk and trot, additional she has a lot of spirit, courage and curiosity. We hope to increase the mareline with this impressive mare.
Ancestry: The sire Ramiro's Son II was licensed in Hanover and offer- ed by the national stallion stud Celle. His station was Oberndorf and there he has only had a few mares. But he delivered 2 licensed stal- lions, 10 state premium mares, 16 jumping horses until the highest level, a.th. the international sucessful horses like: Mill Creek Rosalinde- Eric Lamaze, CAN, Ricarda-Angelica Augustsson, SWE and Phillip Weishaupt, Ramila-Emily George, CAN, Rushdy-Cian Howley, IRL and Robin Hood-Holger Wulschner. Additional 2 dressage horses sucessful until S. In Hanover the licensed son Romantic Star provided excellent offspring and now he is a demanded stallion in USA.
After covering Ramiro's Son II was very successful in jumping competitions until 1,50m with Sören von Rönne. Chancing to the Holsteiner Verband in 2002 he also covered in Holstein only a few mares. From 2003 until Whitsun 2009 therefore he was in Italy.
The breeding estimation of FN shows him as an above average jumping stallion. Also the Hanoverian breeding estimation shows excellent datas and he is in the program of the Hanoverian jumping horses.
His full-brother Ramiro's Son I was successful in international jumping competitions with Fritz Ligges until 1,60m. He was licensed in West- phalia and there he was producing a lot of fantastic jumping horses. The full-sister B-Ramiro Girl is in breeding in Holstein and was success- ful until 1,35m. The half-sister, the state premium mare Pik Bubes Girl by Pik Bube I was winner of the show "Best Mare of Germany" in Verden in 1990.
The mareline 5421 is fertile and powerful, not only in Holstein but also in Hanover. There are a lot of licensed stallions f.e.: Delta's Bubka, Contendros Bube, Diorello, Don Crusador, Don Bosco, Hohenstaufen I and II, Ramiro's Boy, Ramiro's Bube, Langata Son, Risotto, Chino, Reichsgraf, Carolino, Mixer, Quebec, Cantares, Camerino, Corpino, Landcassini, Ci Ci Senior, Codex, Rantares, Calvero.
Additional the international sport horses like: Ulana, Zazu, Cassanova, Ramila, Luganer.
A pedigree with a lot of excellent ancestries and an ideal combination and in-breeding of the best marelines of Holstein, 776.
More information of Ramiro's Son II and the other stallions of the pedigree: ►►►►here
Detailed description of the pedigree and competition successes of the dam La Gomera by Tin Rocco: ►►►►here
Own Performance: Jumping is her life, she jumps powerful free with a lot of potential, power and a perfect manner.
Mareline: 776
The mareline 776 is one of the greatest and most successful lines of Holstein. It is astonishing how much sport horses are member of this line. Jac Remijnse shows in his magazine Sport Horse Breeding that this line is regular the most successful line of jumping horses in the world. Starting in the middle of the 19th century the mareline is very old.
Here you can read more about this mareline and the successes of the near ancestries in the sport. ►►►►here
Mareline of paardenfokken
Pedigree: The pedigree shows the following inbreeding:
each 2x to the Holsteiner Moltke I, Maximus, Raimond and the Holsteiner mare Olga
56x to the thoroughbred St.Simon xx
13x to the thoroughbred Dark Ronald xx
each 5x to the thoroughbreds Son-in-Law xx and Ferro xx
3x to the Anglo-Arabian Ramzes x
each 2x to the Arabian Amurath ox and the thoroughbreds Anblick xx, Fairway xx, Cottage Son xx, Manometer xx and Herold xx
Noticeable the cumulative inbreeding to the F-line in the falling generations and the inbreeding to the excellent mareline 776 with the dam Olga
Percentage of thoroughbred 9 generations back: 40%
Her Offspring:
More Pictures:
Freejumping as a yearling, April 2011 |